Abdullah Bin Abbas

 Abdullah Bin Abbas

Abdullah Bin Abbas was the son of Abbas Ibn Abd Al-Muttalib, Uncle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He was born in 619 CE. Abdullah Bin Abbas was intelligent and his teaching a powerful memory and a formidable intellect. His explanations were precise, clear, and logical. His arguments were persuasive and supported by pertinent textual evidence and historical facts. We worked as the first narrator and compiled several authentic hadith. His scientific knowledge and ideas formed different philosophical concepts in Islam. One of his most remarkable works and contribution to Islam includes Tafsir ibn Abbas which is the greatest of his achievements. If you want to know more about the history, legacy, remarkable achievements, and contribution of Abdullah Bin Abbas for Islam then you can check it out here https://hidayahnetwork.com/abdullah-bin-abbas#His_Work

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Prophet Muhammad was the best human being to walk over the Earth. He was born in Makkah amongst the non-believers who used to worship idols and their forefathers. He was a truthful and trustworthy man and his people of Makkah used to call him Sadiq and Ameen. He was chosen as the last Prophet and Quran; the holy book was revealed to him. Prophet Muhammad delivered the message of Allah to a non-believer and at last, the whole of the Makkah was under Islam rule after winning the conquest of Makkah. You can check more about the history, contribution, and important knowledge of Prophet Muhammad here https://hidayahnetwork.com/prophet-muhammad-best-man-to-walk-on-earth/

Respect of Parents

In Islam, disrespecting your parents is considered one of the biggest sins. We all should respect and show kindness, affection, and the nicest of behavior towards our parents. Parents are a blessing given from Allah almighty and we should earn some good deeds by taking care of them with kindness and respect. Prophet Muhammad himself commanded Muslims to respect their Parents and who so ever disrespects and treats their parents harshly, he or shall not go to Paradise.

Quran itself says And We Have Enjoined on Man (To Be Dutiful and Good) To His Parents. His Mother Bore Him in Weakness and Hardship Upon Weakness and Hardship. Moreover, if you want to about love to your parents and commandments were given by Allah and his Prophet Muhammad, you can check it out here https://hidayahnetwork.com/respect-of-parents-in-islam/

Reasons why million accepted Islam

Many of you have wondered why millions of people and even non-believers converted to Islam. The answer lies in the beauty of Islam and its firm principles. The teaching of Islam is easy, so obvious, and clear to understand and they stick to others easily. It does not contradict human nature and they are integral in way of their principles and points. Other reasons include the awareness being provided of Islam to other non-believers through television shows under top Islamic scholars. Easily accessibility of the Quran and the debates of Muslim scholars contribute a lot. If you want to know more about the reasons why million accepted Islam, then you can go through our Hidayah network here https://hidayahnetwork.com/reasons-why-millions-accepted-islam/#1-_Islam_is_the_true_religion_of_God_and_it_is_a_lifestyle_with_no_compilation_nor_ambiguity



The word Tasbeeh is derived from Subhan Allah and its meaning is ‘To Glorifying’. There are many variants of Tasbeeh that are commonly used in prayers and praising others too. In Tasbeeh of Namaz, it is a must for everyone to read “Subhan-a- Rabi Al-Azeem wa-bi-Hamdih” at least three times in a single Rakooh. There are tasbeeh for dua and after prayer too which are recited to add your good deeds and ask for blessings from Allah. Mainly these are Islamic quotes to praise Allah and save yourself from shaitan. Moreover, if you want to know in detail about Tasbeeh, its number used in Prayer, different variants, and much more then you can check it out here https://hidayahnetwork.com/tasbeeh

Masahallah Tabarak Allah

In Islam, Muslims are always seen finding a way to praise Allah and ask for blessing through Islamic quotes and wordings. One of them is Masahallah Tabarak Allah which is derived from the word with the meaning of Blessed in Allah. Tabarak Allah Is One of The Islamic Terms, Which Is Said When Something Looks or Feels Beautiful and Natural. It Shows the Appreciation of Allah’s Blessing, And It Makes the Sentence More Rewarding. Likewise, Islam Is the Most Significant and Mightiest Grace in Our Life! If you want to know more about Masahallah Tabarak Allah, its importance, its response, and much more then you can go through our Hidayah network here https://hidayahnetwork.com/mashallah-tabarakallah


Some quotes and wordings are for praising Allah and asking for blessings. However, some quotes like Istighfar are seeking forgiveness from Allah for doing any wrong deeds or sins. It is uttered in a way of forgiveness like Astaghfirullah which is derived from an Arabic word meaning to cover something which is protected from dirt. Muslims should for forgiveness through Allah by saying Astaghfirullah. If you want to learn more about Istighfar, its importance, its benefits, and its literal meanings then you can check it out here https://hidayahnetwork.com/istighfar



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