Reasons why you should recite Quran daily

 Reasons why you should recite Quran daily?

For Muslims, the Quran is a source of guidance and is a path for hereafter success and blessing in this life. Through the Quran, we can fill our hearts with the love of Allah and ask for forgiveness and show us the right path. It removes the illnesses from our hearts and cure our bodies, and for mercy to envelope us. Quran increases and strengthens our iman and it is a way to communicate directly to god. If you want to know more about Quran; its importance, benefits, and content then you can check it out here

Surah Al-Asr

In the Quran, Surah Asr is 108th Surah which consists of one Ruko and three verses. Surah Al-Asr has got its immense importance as we need to recite it regularly and it can be used for many other blessings too. Reciting it seven times and then breathing it on the water of an infected person can bless him with wealth. This Surah is a source of strength to stand on the truth and endure hardships. Being a part of the Quran, every Muslim must recite and learn this Surah. You can know more about Surah Asr including its translation and importance at

Surah Feel

In the Quran, Surah Al-Feel is 105th Surah which comprises 5 verses and its meaning is "The Elephant". The Surah was revealed on an important occasion of history and it is named Makki Surah. Some of the virtues of Surah Feel include security from foes and helps everyone to solve issues. Prophet Muhammad himself read this Surah 313 times in a single day after Isha prayer for 40 days continuously as it would protect and safeguard you from harmful creatures. This Surah also protects you from some diseases like high blood pressure, Sugar and can be cured by reading it. You can know more about the translation, explanation, and some of the benefits of Surah Al-Feel here

Surah Al Nas

This Mecci Surah is the last and 114th Surah revealed in the Quran. It has got immense knowledge in his entire 6 verses and its meaning is regarded as "The Men". Muslims frequently recite and learn with Surah for prayer itself and it can cure many problems. The main theme of the Surah Al Nas is that we all pray to Allah, he is our creator, he can protect us from evil thoughts as well from the sinful ways of Shaitan. He wants to destroy us and tell us to follow the path of him. If you want to know more about Surah Al Nas, its translation, and its importance then you can check it out here

Surah Al Nasr

The Surah Al Nasr is the 110th Surah in the Quran whose meaning is help and divine support. It consists of 3 verses and its purpose was to inform Prophet Muhammad that Islam has completely attained victory in Arab and the mission for which he was sent has finally been completed. This Surah teaches us an important lesson at rather than bragging about your accomplishments, you should stay kind and humble which is a character of pure Muslims. You can check more about Surah Al Nasr and its Tafsir on our Hidayah Network


After the Quran and its Surahs, Hadith is the source of guidance and commandments for the whole Muslim Ummah. For a practicing Muslim, the hadith and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad are a source of the right path to attain paradise and succeed in this life too. Apart from guidance, hadith elaborated on different social issues and comprehend many activities like prayer and Zakat which Quran only provided a little overview. Moreover, these Sunnah and hadith mentions some of the unseen stories of Prophet Muhammad and explains his character and kindness which a Muslim need to follow. The rights of parents, relatives, neighbors, and the poor are rightly guided in the hadiths. If you want to know more about the importance and significance of hadith, you can check it out here

Sahih Al Bukhari

When it comes to hadith, the Sahih Al Bukhari is the most authentic and proper collection of hadith and Sunnahs. The Sahih Bukhari is embedded with 7563 hadith with repetitions and 2500 hadith with no repetition. It is divided into nine big volumes which are then properly arranged into several books and chapters as each hadith is arranged as per its consecutive chapter. Sahih Bukhari has immense importance as it is most authentic and has a specific arrangement and well-managed order of Hadith. He made the book a comfortable and secure source of guidance. The level of compilation expresses the knowledge of his Scholar too. Moreover, if you want to know more about the information, features, or importance of Sahih Al Bukhari then you can check out our Hidayah Network


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Abdullah Bin Abbas

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